Thursday, September 13, 2018

Towpath Roundtable is September 20th

On Thursday, September 20th, the Towpath District will hold their first Roundtable of the new season.
WE ARE IN A DIFFERENT LOCATION AT DESALES!! We will be in the old library on the second floor. This is a much more comfortable room and out of the traffic flow. Please enter through the door at the TOP of the driveway ABOVE the cafeteria parking lot. Follow the CUB SCOUT signs.

We’ve got lots to cover at Roundtable, things like:

Webelos Woods
Taste of Scouting
Camp Kickoff
Camporee and Klondike Derby
Position Specific Training

The Scouting BSA Breakout session will introduce you to our new Advancement Chair, Ray Kline, who will explain procedures for Eagle projects, Boards of Review, etc. There have been some changes to the process, so Scoutmasters and Advancement Chairs should plan on attending. If you’re doing “double duty”, representing both Pack and Troop, PLEASE arrange to have someone attend this session, but also have someone attend the

CUB SCOUT Breakout – which will begin addressing the AOL to Scout transition. This is an important time for your AOL Cubs as they get ready to cross over to Scouting BSA and their new Troops! BOTH PACKS AND TROOPS SHOULD PLAN ON SENDING PEOPLE TO THIS SESSION! Packs need to develop relationships with Troops that will fit their Cubs’ schedules and personalities and Troops need to be ready to “show off” for visiting Cubs. Learn some secrets to a successful transition by attending this session!

Roundtable begins at 7PM and will end before 9.