Thursday, August 16, 2018

A summer camp success story: Tyler Calmes

Here's a summer camp success story!

At Camp Sam Wood 2017 (Session 2), Tyler Calmes picked up a bow and arrow for the first time and needed assistance on how to shoot it.

When he came home from camp he told his parents that he wanted a real bow and arrow for Christmas, which he received.

His dad started taking him up to a cousin's archery shop to learn how to shoot. He was getting quite good and they recommended that his parents take him to a shooting event so he could shoot at 3D targets. He truly enjoyed it, so they took him to more.

He qualified for the IBO State Championships and came in second place for his age group this year!

Way to go, Tyler! To go from being a beginner to a major player in archery in less than one year is really impressive!